“A study in the power and grace of the feminine, and how I see that energy embodied within the trunk of a tree. “
Arborescent – “tree-like in size, shape, and form”
“Trees give us so many things; shelter, respite, connection, and community to name a few. They give to us unconditionally and display their beauty just by being still. They show us strength, courage, and wisdom as they persevere through all kinds of storms and environments. Each tree is unique in her own way, but it is the resolve of the feminine spirit that I see shining through. These goddesses represent the strong women I know, the ones I hope to meet, and the one I continue to become.
I am intrigued by line and how it creates movement and emotion in a composition. I remember an art assignment that I had when I was younger where we were asked to divide our paper into quadrants and then draw a line in each box that portrayed an emotion. I discovered that a sharp jagged line could express anger, or a slow looping line could express joy. I was fascinated by this. It has now become the foundation for all my compositions. I love the flow of a line, how they can come together in harmony, or move away from one another to create expansiveness. I use these lines to help me simplify something as intricate as natures forms, and the human form. It is a way for me to capture all that beauty and emotion without feeling too overwhelmed by the complexity of it all. By painting segments, or close-up views of these natural forms, the viewing experience can become more intimate and interpretive. I try to capture the essence of an element through the use of these flowing lines and bright colors. I want the painting to feel like it is alive and soothing. I create each composition from the inside out, depicting what I experience as opposed to what I literally see in front of me.”
Karen Eastman pursued an education in the arts at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where she graduated in 1987 with a BA in Humanities and a minor in Art History. After graduation, she moved to San Diego, CA and enjoyed a career in retail sales and merchandising over the next several years. In 1999, Karen began focusing on her art and teaching career. During this time, she helped to develop an art curriculum for a non-profit organization called ArtReach in San Diego, CA, worked in the classroom with K-12th graders, and began showing her work in local galleries and large art shows from San Diego to Laguna Beach, to Las Vegas. Since moving to Boise, Idaho in 2014, Karen has shown her work on the cover of the Boise Weekly for several years in a row, created public artworks, and worked with local designers to create custom art for their clients.