When caring people join together, roll up their sleeves and take action to make their community better, it’s a beautiful thing—and an incredible feeling for everyone involved. That’s Lions. Being a Lion is about leading by example, building relationships and improving the world through kindness. It’s 1.4 million caring men and women serving together so they can make a lasting impact and change more lives.
Source: https://www.lionsclubs.org/en/discover-our-clubs/about-us
You may have heard of your local Lion’s club through volunteer, fundraising, or other benefit events. Here at Silvercreek, the overarching goal is to elevate our communities. We think Lions Club is a perfect reflection of that mantra.
Interested in joining or supporting a local chapter? Use this link to find the Lions Club nearest you.
A Local Chapter Update
by Star Lions Club President Chip Sitton:
Most people perceive Lions Clubs as just collecting eyeglasses and redistributing them to the needy. Actually, Lions are volunteer fund-raising entities that are structured in a way in which 100% of the funds raised are put back into the communities they serve. Lions support local, regional, national and global initiatives.
Star Lions Club has established liaisons with the local library, elementary and middle schools, the Senior Center, the City of Star and Star Outreach. Our liaisons provide feedback to the Club about how these organizations can be helped. Examples include:
City of Star
- Funding an 80-foot flagpole and flag at Hunter’s Creek Park
- Flag and Banner swapping on State Street
- Flags at Star Cemetery
- Baseball field banner sales management
- Annual donations to Camp Hodia for Type I diabetes management
- Teaching youth how to manage daily-life activities associated with diabetes management
- Providing one week of “time off” for parents of diabetic children
- The head of Camp Hodia, Lisa Gier, is a role model for everyone that knows her.
- Lions International has provided Camp Hodia a $50,000 grant to continue Lisa’s work.
- Annual donations to Camp Hodia for Type I diabetes management
Senior Center
- Support for Baked Potato Luncheon fundraiser
- Annual financial support
Star Outreach
- Annual donations of $200
- Monthly food drives
- Adopt-a-Family at Christmas
- Canned food sculpture contest promotion
Star Library
- Annual donations of $500
- Annual book-sale support
Star Elementary School
- Monthly teacher grants of $200
- Benches donated at the school track
- Financial and volunteer support for annual school carnivals
Star Middle School
- Monthly teacher grants of $200
Star Fire District
- Volunteering as servers at Star’s Pheasant Hunter’s breakfast, benefitting the Star Fire District
- Pot-Luck appreciation for firefighters
- Eyeglass collection sites
- Annual donations to Envision, which manages:
- Processing and distribution of donated eyeglasses worldwide
- Harvesting and banking of corneas from organ donors
- Providing financial assistance for cornea transplants for those in financial need
- Providing hearing aids for those in financial need
- Vision screenings for those without the means to pay
- Provision of eyeglasses for those without the means to pay
Donations to Star Lions will help us achieve our goals to serve
- Add lights to the flagpoles for Christmas banners on the street
- Increase our donations and support of Camp Hodia
- Increase our support of the Senior Center
- Increase our support of Adopt a Family
- Increase our support to the Library
- Increase our teacher grants to Star elementary and Star Middle school from 1 per month to 2 per month
- Give us the ability to donate to the Burn Out Fund
- Increase our donations to Envision
The Star Lions Club would be thrilled to have you serve with us. We also always appreciate any financial consideration you could extend to assist us in our efforts to help us accomplish our mission, which is simply “We Serve”. If you have any questions, please contact me at the number below.
President Chip Sitton
Star Lions Club
(806) 673-6708
Lions “We Serve”